Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Care Calendar

Well my mom had her port implanted today (I almost wrote 'installed'-haha) and chemo should begin on Monday, March 2nd. She will be going in every 2 weeks for treatment, for 4 treatments. The hospital suggests that she has meals brought to her the day she goes in and 4 or 5 days after for each time she goes in. (That's a lot of cooking ladies)!

My dad is going to take off work the first week of her treatment (March 2-6) and I think they'll need meals every other day (instead of everyday) for that first week (my dad can cook some mean pancakes!). They said my mom's going to be very tired.

As for the second, third and fourth times she goes in, she'll need some sisters to help take her to her therapy and then drive her back the next day to receive a shot. My dad will be at work during all of this.

Laura Schneiber created a CARE CALENDAR to organize all of this (thanks Laura). Please sign up by clicking on the link below!
Security Code: 7035

I'm jealous that you all get to be so close to my mom to help her out during this time. Thank you so much for being the angels that I've been praying for!

“People wonder what we do for our women. I’ll tell you what we do: we get out of their way and look with wonder at what they are accomplishing.” Pres. Hinckley

1 comment:

  1. We are thinking of you all right now and keeping you in our prayers. I met some friends of yours from your ward two Sundays ago--they were visiting our ward with some friends. Their names are Kate and I think Dave. I spoke with Kate for a few minutes-she seemed really sweet and had nothing but wonderful things to say about you. It was evident that you are an inspiration to those you have served, and now I am sure that they feel blessed to have the opportunity to serve you after all you have done for them. Take care of yourself. We love you!
